
Make 2019 the Happiest Year

‘Tis the season for New Year’s resolutions – hashtag New Year New Me!

Just kidding – I’ve never been big on New Year’s resolutions UNTIL I recently started listening to the Happier Podcast by Gretchen Rubin.

Sidenote: If you are looking for a new podcast to get into – look no further! The Happier Podcast is one of my favorites! I love everything Gretchen stands for and all her passions.

Recently, she reviewed her “18 for 2018” list. This is a list of 18 things she wanted to get done in 2018 that would, in turn, make her happier.

This motivated me to start a 19 for 2019 list. I am so pumped for it!

As you can see from my list below and Gretchen Rubin’s list these aren’t things like, “I want to start going to the gym every day, all day.” Or “I want to lost 50lbs by tomorrow.”

This should be a list of things that will bring you sheer happiness and create a less stressful life. of the 19 things I want to do in 2019 will result in an increase of my happiness in one way or another.

Spend more time doing things that will increase your happiness!

So without further ado – here is mine:

1. Do a “letter of the week” with Randi.

I started this with my three-year old several months ago but we only got to letter C – so I want to be more consistent.

2. Cook once a week with Lani.

Our 10 year old LOVES to cook and I need to start doing this more with her.

3. FaceTime my mom and dad every Sunday.

We bought my parents an iPad last spring so we can facetime with them and I don’t do it as often – so now Sunday’s are for that!

4. Meal plan on Thursdays.

I know it seems like a weird day to meal plan but it works for our family, I just need to be more consistent doing it.

5. Remove the photos on my phone.

I have so many pictures on my phone. I need to back them up in case something would happen to my phone (that would cause a lot of unhappiness).

6. Get rid of my coffee mugs.

I get this done by opening my Etsy Shop so I can get orders and downsize my mug inventory.

7. Start using Head Space.

This is a meditation app, but just being honest here – I don’t know when I am going to use this (because it is never quiet in this household) but I want to start!

8. Clean the kitchen every morning.

Every morning I make a cup of coffee and enjoy sipping on it while watching the Today Show. Unfortunately, in 2019 I am breaking up with Savannah and Hoda. I now want to start my day by sipping on my coffee while I clean up the kitchen to get it out of the way and set the tone for my day.

9. Take a 5-minute video of the kids every week.

This is a video of them doing anything, nothing, talking, not talking – whatever. Just ensuring I document their lives better.

10. Go on a date once a month with Javier.

11. Clean out the garage.

It’s been a dumping ground and my husband and I have promised to spend 1 hour every weekend cleaning it up – hopefully, I can cross this one off by February.

12. Travel to a new place with just Javier and I.

The details for this are already in the works and I am excited!

13. Go on a monthly family hike.

14. Write in the kids’ journals monthly.

I have a journal for each of my kids that I write them handwritten notes but I need to be better at writing in them.

15. Send a handwritten gratitude note once a month.

This will be a note to someone I am grateful for – just letting them know “Hey you’re a rockstar, I love you!”.

16. Clean off the top of Lani’s closet.

Hopefully, this can be marked off in the next couple weeks.

17. Get rid of all the shoes that I never wear.

18. Teach myself to paint with watercolor.

19. Visit three new national parks.

I am printing this list out and putting it up in my workspace and keeping it on my notes section of my phone.

I also want to comment that if, strike that, WHEN you make a 19 for 2019 list – make sure you focus on actions, not results. Focus on actions you can take that will result in happiness.

Let me repeat that: Focus on actions you can take that will result in happiness.

And make sure to bring in a good mix of items that have different levels of difficulty.

Also, I think a good piece of advice when you’re making your list is to create one or two items that you can cross off fairly early in the new year like my #16. This is a little mind game to help motivate you.

I encourage you to share this idea with a best friend or family member so you can do it together! My best friend and I are doing it together. We shared our list when we were about halfway done with them. This was great because we took ideas from each other and incorporated them into our list. So, steal some of mine or some of Gretchen’s to get yourself started.

PS come back and comment with your 19 for 2019 list!

PPS enter your email below if you want to receive updates on how I am doing with my 19 for 2019 progression throughout the year.

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