
Why I Gave Up Social Media for 30 Days

I had this huge life changing epiphany years ago after my first child was born. If something didn’t bring positivity into my life – I was removing it. To be honest this is still an aspect of my life I struggle with. But removing the negativity off my social media was super easy.

That is the great thing about social media right? We get to control who and what we interact with. I typically have a positive experience when using social media. So why get rid of it?

I decided to get rid of social media for 30 days because I found myself constantly grabbing my phone, mindlessly scrolling and wasting a lot of time. It started becoming a habit that was completely pointless…nothing has happened on social media since you last checked it 20 min ago.

It wasn’t until I was listening to Jason Zook on the Do You Even Blog Podcast talk about how he did a 30 day social media detox (it’s crazy that this is something I never even considered) I knew I was going to do it!

Solely to learn about myself and the role social media played in my life.

I journaled about my experience and I share that below.

1 Week Without Social Media

This week was kind of a let down. For some reason I thought after I got rid of social media – 4 more hours were magically going to appear in my day. I was going to get to do so many more things that I enjoyed

So that was a beautiful fantasy that got crushed quickly. Since I didn’t immediately notice more free time in my days I contemplated quitting.

I noticed that I was still in the habit this week of grabbing my phone only to have nothing to do on it but refresh my email for the 20th time.

One major positive this week was I was able to finish a book that I had been struggling to finish – Writing Well by William Zinsser. Great book but the ending was hard to relate to so I struggled to finish it.

Week 2

This week I realized I used my social media channels for news/keeping up with pop culture. (Meghan Markle is pregnant? what?!) This was also the week that multiple bombs were sent to different politicians and I was completely clueless about the whole thing (my husband had to fill me in).

I also finished reading another book Everybody Writes by Ann Handley. I never finish books that quick! This was a fantastic book. Between the great writing and the extra time off social media I finished it in no time.

We also went on vacation this week to Galveston. It was nice being off social media and just being able to be mindful and present.

Week 3

This week was insanely productive. Finally, I started feeling like I was getting way more free time to accomplish projects I had wanted to do. I also love that I am feeling so creative as well!

I spent a lot of time writing this week, I created a printable coloring book and I finished another book I was reading Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott. This was probably one of the most inspiring books I have ever read. (That’s a total of 3 books since deleting social media!) I was also inspired to start writing a fiction story..what the?! I’m so random. Who knows with me….

Week 4

This was primary election week and I’m sure a lot of my friends did a social media detox of their own because ain’t no body got time for an endless news feed of political posts.

Side note: I am almost certain no one has ever changed their political stance by conversing with someone on social media about it.

I’m also exploring and getting excited about starting to read fiction. I rarely ever read fiction unless it’s aloud to my kids. But I do love it.

This week I have been making a list of must read fiction books. (You can find my list if you follow me on Pinterest.)

If you’re interested, the first fiction book on my list is Book 1 of the Outlander Series. I have heard so many good things about this series and if I am reading fiction it is historical fiction.

When I got Social Media Back

My intention from the start was to be off social media for 30 days but when it was time to download the apps back on my phone, I found myself hesitant. I was being so productive without the apps on my phone.

The big take away was while I do love social media – I do not love wasting time. In the future I will be conscious of time limits and keeping my phone out of reach to avoid mindless scrolling.

I encourage you to do a 30 day social media detox. If not a detox at least a cleansing…if there is any person or group you are a part of on social media that does not bring absolute joy when you interact – delete them! Unfollow/unfriend – it’s that easy!

Lastly, I get that its 2018 and so many people use social media as a networking/advertising platform. Maybe you couldn’t fathom giving it up, as your business relies on it. I get it, I struggled with this too. But it will still be there in 30 days. Maybe think of it as a much needed 30 day vacation. And if you have that much of a following – announce it to your followers and ask them to join along with you!

Lastly, for real this time, if you are dying to receive more emails – enter your email address below and I’ll send your inbox some love…LOVE not spam, I promise!


  • Floby Villaralvo

    I am doing a dinner without mobile phone, every night starting 8pm. In the morning, I am trying to eat breakfast without checking my phone. In the weekend, I will try this week to off my phone totally for one day. I like this post and this will greatly help people become mindful.

  • Megan Fioto

    I constantly find myself mindlessly scrolling through social media on my phone. This is a great idea to detox yourself from the social media frenzy and be more mindful when spending time with your family or accomplishing your daily tasks. I love that you were able to read and finish so many books!

  • Stephanie Eddy

    I have been trying to cut down on social media, especially when with my kids. It definitely takes my attention away from things – I don’t know if I could do it for 30 days though! Kudos to you!

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