
3 TED Talks That Changed My Life

If you’re not familiar with TED Talks, they’re videos from expert speakers covering topics such as education, business, creativity, humor, etc.

Their slogan is “ideas worth spreading.” And that is exactly what I am doing; spreading some of these influential speakers ideas that have changed my life.


TED Talks are the perfect way to consume new information or grow as a person because you can listen to them via podcast or youtube, while you’re taking a walk or washing dishes. Or you can relax on the couch with a warm cup of coffee and watch the videos before starting your day off (my favorite way to watch them).

1. Brene Brown: The Power of Vulnerability

Lets just cut to the chase so I can introduce to you my favorite piece of media, probably of all time. I have listened to this TED Talk well over 20 times.

Brene has dove deep into researching humanity in regards to shame and vulnerability. If I am ever struggling internally, I always remind myself to channel my inner Brene Brown.

Trust me – listen to this TED Talk.

If you’re anything like me, after listening to Brene the first time, you will be so hungry for everything and anything she has created! I have now read three of her books, and listened to every TED Talk, interview and podcast of hers that I can get my hands on! Enjoy!

2. Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Action

This is such an inspirational TED Talk. Simon makes you ask yourself some really tough questions so you can discover what your purpose is.

This TED Talk originally focused on more of a business audience but it is now the third most watched TED Talk of all time, for good reason too.

Whether you are wanting to start a business, or you’re a stay at home mom or dying to get out of the 9-5 rut – he inspires his listeners to stop and think, and truly understand how we each can be leaders.

I was introduced to this TED Talk in one of my graduate classes. The professor had us watch the TED Talk then answer the questions Simon proposes. I challenge you to do the same. Again, very inspiring and motivating for all.

3. Megan Phelps-Roper: I grew up in Westboro Baptist Church. Here’s why I left.

This TED Talk is extremely emotional for me.

Megan was raised in the infamous Westboro Baptist Church until deciding to leave as an adult. It was an incredibly brave move on her part to leave her family and everything she knew.

If there is anyone that knows confrontation, it’s Megan Phelps-Roper. She was once part of one of the most hated, close-minded groups in America.

In this TED Talk she discusses why she chose to leave the church and what exactly triggered that for her. She outlines the four ways to understand someone who disagrees with us.

“We started seeing each other as human beings and it changed the way we spoke to one another.” I wish so many more people would listen to this Ted Talk, then apply the lessons she outlines.

What’s the bottom line?

I promise, no matter where you are in your life, one of, if not all three of, these TED Talks will have an impact on how you live your life.

Watching/listening to an inspirational message every once in a while can really turn your life around.

There are so many people out there that we can learn from. Try it this week, either on your way to work, while you’re out taking a walk, or maybe right before bed (instead of scrolling mindlessly on your cell phone).

Choose one of these TED Talks, give it a listen and really apply it to your life.

I promise you will see a change. Enjoy!


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