• Lifestyle,  What I'm Into

    What I’m Into October 2018

    I do these post monthly and I would love for you to comment back what you’re into, based on the different categories. I am always loving suggestions! Reading On Writing Well by William Zinsser – I always read other bloggers recommending this book. I appreciated the tips! Zinsser has some really good advice on methods and principles to use when writing non-fiction. Everybody Writes by Ann Handley – This was SUCH a good book! The tagline is “Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content” and it is! I read this book in less than 3 days and it’s a pretty good size book. I couldn’t put it down but probably…

  • Lifestyle

    10 Gift Ideas for the Man Impossible to Buy For

    We all have that man in our life who is impossible to buy for. While I personally like buying experiences vs. items for my loved ones, it is fun to give fun little gifts every once in a while. I have compiled 10 ideas to help ease the buying process for you. All of these items are from Etsy because I am all about buying homemade from small businesses. Ya know helping a family put food on their table instead of helping a CEO buy another vacation home. Without further ado- 10 unique gifts for the man impossible to buy for: 1. The Beer Lasso I’m putting this as number 1…

  • Lifestyle

    5 Mistakes People Make When Visiting Yellowstone

    Many say “Once you visit Yellowstone it will forever call you back.” And that is the truth. I hope if you are reading this it is because you are planning a trip to Yellowstone because it will forever change you. This is from my experience while exploring the area several times and I hope it helps make your trip absolutely incredible – in fact, I know it will. 1. Don’t Skip the Following Places We all know it’s a must do that you see Old Faithful erupt, take in the beautiful colors of the Grand Prismatic and slow down for the abundant wildlife throughout the park but there are beautiful…

  • Lifestyle

    Mindfulness for Beginners

    For the record – I am a beginner. When I created Free Spirit Planner, the name was inspired by my personality during our traveling adventures. My love for planning the travel itinerary prior but then triggering my inner free spirit to just go with the flow during the vacation. But something happens to me every time we travel – I absolutely love the person I become while we are vacationing. I become the person I want to be in my everyday life – more carefree, more laid back, go with the flow, ‘it is what it is’ type of person…MORE MINDFUL. I started becoming obsessed with vacations – solely for…

  • Lifestyle,  What I'm Into

    What I’m Into – September 2018

    I do these post monthly and I would love for you to comment back what you’re into, based on the different categories. I am always loving suggestions! Reading Tribes by Seth Godin – I.loved.this.book! Seth talks about how each of us has the ability to start a movement and create a tribe of like-minded people – more so because we all need a tribe to belong to. This book is such a confidence booster outlining that every single one of us are leaders in our own unique way! Creativity, Inc. by Ed Catmull (president of Pixar) – Brene Brown recommended this book saying it had a profound impact on her work…

  • Lifestyle

    How to Teach an Entire Preschool Curriculum with Play Doh

    I’m a little obsessed with education (being a former teacher) but honestly, I don’t even think that matters – I think most parents are obsessed with education. Watching our children learn and grow is by far one of the best parts of being a parent! Like a lot of you I am always looking for new things to incorporate into our day that promotes learning, but I’m not talking about spending hours researching, prepping, and implementing an activity – only for my 3-year-old to spend less than 5 minutes engaged with it and then wanting to move on to the next thing. That is why I love play doh activities…

  • Guilt-Free Me Time

    How to Take Guilt-Free Me Time

    Me time?! Oh, that got your attention, didn’t it? What mom doesn’t LOVE me time!? Lord Jesus give me a break from these kids!! Even though we typically spend the ‘me-time’ either talking about the kids, worrying about the kids, or looking through old pictures of the kids! You’re smiling because it’s true…. But we all know moms need time away from the kids and family life. It makes us better moms. While we shouldn’t feel guilty taking time for ourselves, we typically do – it’s like it’s in our DNA. So how do we take me time without feeling guilty? VOLUNTEER! Give back to the community! It makes me…

  • Lifestyle

    3 TED Talks That Changed My Life

    If you’re not familiar with TED Talks, they’re videos from expert speakers covering topics such as education, business, creativity, humor, etc. Their slogan is “ideas worth spreading.” And that is exactly what I am doing; spreading some of these influential speakers ideas that have changed my life. Look: TED Talks are the perfect way to consume new information or grow as a person because you can listen to them via podcast or youtube, while you’re taking a walk or washing dishes. Or you can relax on the couch with a warm cup of coffee and watch the videos before starting your day off (my favorite way to watch them). 1. Brene…

  • Lifestyle,  What I'm Into

    What I’m Into – August 2018

    My monthly “What I’m Into” post where I will mention different things I have been into throughout the month such as what I’m reading, what shows I’ve been watching, etc. I would love for you to comment back on what you’re into, based on the different categories. I love suggestions! Reading Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss – I was first introduced to this book back in 2011 but didn’t pick it up to actually read it until a few weeks ago. This book is life changing! The title is more of a marketing strategy that is meant to entice you (and it works!). The book is motivating to help…

  • baby

    Surviving a Two-Vessel Cord Pregnancy

    “There are complications with your pregnancy.” A phrase no pregnant woman wants to hear. Unfortunately, this was my reality with my second pregnancy when I was told our baby was developing with a two-vessel umbilical cord and calcium deposits on his heart. I scoured the internet for support during my pregnancy and I hope to be that now to other women dealing with this condition. It all began when: We found out I was pregnant in July 2017. We were planning for this and so excited when it happened! I was starting my internship in August and graduating with my master’s degree in December. Our baby was due in March…