Online Marketing

3 Ways to Market Your Blog on Social Media

Marketing your blog on social media has never been easier than it is now. Don’t roll your eyes! It’s true!

I know many see it as a daunting task which is why it is common for many bloggers to outsource the marketing of their blog to a virtual assistant. Psstt I know a really awesome VA!

If you’re not ready to hire a VA just yet, what you can do is learn everything possible about marketing your blog on social media, do the work and witness the power of social media channels!

I hear you though… How do I do that and which channel is best for me?

The best advice is to learn one platform at a time. I’m going to go a step further though and tell you which ones to learn first.

For most bloggers, I recommend these 3 ways to market your blog on social media.

Before I start:

This is already assuming you have an email opt-in on your blog – if you don’t what is the point of trying to gain more traffic? …..think about that.

Here it is:

I would immediately learn the ins and outs of Pinterest! Pinterest is the only platform where the end goal is to take users off Pinterest and send them to a blog! No other platform does that!

Pinterest also has to be the platform that you take time to learn as it will give you the most bang for your buck. You could write out this really witty brand-specific post on twitter and its life span is a whopping 18 minutes…that’s it. All that work and it’s gone in less than 20 min. Instagram is 19 hours and Facebook is 30 min.

3 Ways to Market Your Blog on Social Media

Whereas on Pinterest – you could write a blog post, pin it and it still has that pin sending traffic to your site 2 years later!

If you have no clue where to start with learning Pinterest, I recommend shooting me an email and I will chat your ear off! I could literally talk about Pinterest marketing all day! Or if you are a podcast fan > check out Simple Pin Media Podcast! Kate knows her shit when it comes to Pinterest!

While you are learning all the ins and outs of Pinterest, next:

Create a Facebook Group

Recently, my good friend Mark Z. came out and told everyone that Facebook would be focusing on promoting groups more and more. Facebook groups are a great way to engage with your audience, promote your blog, and learn about what your audience wants from you.

Creating and fostering a facebook group is the next best thing to creating an email list!

Lastly, once you feel like you have a handle on life, oh ya that will happen on the 20th of neverrrrr –

Then learn Instagram!

Again, my good friend Mark (he’s a busy guy) has made it damn near impossible for users to leave Instagram. Meaning the odds of people leaving the site and heading to your blog are slim to none.

HOWEVER – think of Instagram like a handshake for your business. It is a way to get in front of your audience and for them to get to know and trust you.

Instagram stories are the new and upcoming thing. You need to get on there and show that you have the knowledge to share and a way to say it that makes people want to listen!

Once they realize they love your content and you’re a pretty rad person, and they feel like they can trust – then they will head over to your blog and sign up for your email list!

Remember you can also outsource any and all of this!

Did you know successful blogging is typically 20% content creation and 80% marketing that content?

3 Ways to Market your blog on Social Media

If you want nothing to do with the marketing aspect of it, outsource this to a VA so you can focus on your passion!

Hey, that’s me! Did you know I specialize in marketing blogs?

Email me at and we can set up a free consultation and create a strategy for your specific needs but check out my portfolio first if that makes you feel better.

For more tips and resources on blogging follow me on Instagram @freespiritplanner

Market Your Blog on Social Media

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